Sunday 1 August 2010

Why hello there...

Well my blogging side seems to have died lately. I have attempted it but everything I've written has been abandoned half way through simply because it's too dire to put online. I will very suprised if this reaches past that point.

Ok so what's been happening in my life, work is it's usual dire self. We've had a payrise and one day added onto our holidays but we're still far below everyone else, we lack the same holidays and the same pay which is hugely demoralising but it's not just that, it's the lack of support, information and honesty within out organisatin that's really difficult. Anyway work is just one thing.

How about health, well health has had some breakthroughs, finally after seven months of prodding, poking and exploring I finally have a diagnosis and it's the one I figured out at the beginning. Endometriosis. I knew it was, from everything I had read on line, the symptoms just fit and it finally makes sense. As annoying as it is to know there's something there and something that's not going to go away it's at least a diagnosis, I now know I'm not going mad and imagining all sorts. I am worried, it can get worse and it can cause problems with getting pregnant. There was a point when I was younger when I didn't think I wanted kids, they were something that I always thought of as an inconvience to my life, I never considered that I couldn't actually have them. I do want children and of course with Liam, I know no matter what happens I will have kids in some way, through having my own, adoption or fostering, I now can't imagine my life without a family in our future. Something as silly as my body is not going to stop me!

Hum, what else, I am simply looking forward to my holiday now. Barcelona seemed so far away when we first booked it and now even though it's only a week away it still feels forever. I don't think it'll feel like it's really happening until I finish work on Friday and realise I don't have to be in for two whole weeks. Just being off work for that amount of times without the holiday is bliss, the holiday just makes it extra special. I am a little worried about Norway but I am sure it will be fine. Anyway I'm keeping this short because I'm rambling. Going to try and blog much more but I always say that and always fail.

Oh and Happy Birthday Nan <3

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