I'm not quite sure how to start this blog its unlike any that I've written before. I've always touched on what exactly I think of the world in other blog but generally it's passing comments, it's biased, unresearched opinions that no one really cares about or ever reads...no doubt this will be the same just with a bit more research but equal amounts of opinion.
I guess the fact that I'm doing a politics project with my youth work at the moment has influenced how I see the world, I am much more opinionated on what our political parties are saying now and having a boyfriend who loves to rant about exactly what's going on doesn't hurt either. I'm lucky being surrounded by intelligent people who all actually take an interest in politics. I guess politics is a dirty word to the youth of today, it signifys boredom and front pages of broadsheet newspapers that look to big to handle never mind read but politics isn't. It is ingrained in everything we do from going to war to buying a cup of tea and that's what people don't get, politics informs, influences and involves everything. We are a generation of apathy when it comes to the voting booths but we know how to moan and protest about something when we object, people fail to see that voting and protesting are one and the same thing, one just less news worthy than the other. A voting box doesn't really feel like you're making a change, it doesn't feel like doing something but standing on a road shouting your views now there's where it's going to make a difference right? We need to make politics interesting, we need to make it appeal and take away all of the ceremony and ridiculous notions that it's only for the 'upper class'. With these in place voters will turn to parties that speak to basics, those that tell you what you want to hear in no uncertain terms, parties like BNP.
Anyway I think I've had enough of my own voice so I'm going to sign off right there and maybe write some more this weekend or tomorrow if I get reallllly annoyed.
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