Two thousand and ten is approaching already it seems to building its self up to be one of the most exciting times of my life. My little flat that was three months ago just a building to me is now a home, I have a holiday with Liam planned and another trip to Norway with the youth project that is getting more interesting by the week. I have a job that is secure, friends that are truly that and a boyfriend I know I don't want to be without.
And then there's me, I have to decide where I want to be by the end of next year, I don't want to make resolutions because there will only be dissapointment if I break them however I do want to put down goals for next year, ideas that will guide me through the year. So here goes;
1. Money
Since 18 I have been plagued by money worries, I have never known how to control my spending and I guess to some extent I have never really known the value of money. I don't want to go through my life living in my over draft and just about surviving, I want to pay back the money I owe and I want to be debt free so I can do the things we dream about like travelling and buying a house. It might mean a year of not spending money on clothes and not going out so much but there's pleanty of time for all of that, the things I always talked about for my future are becoming more and more important and realistic. I am no longer a little girl dreaming of living in a big house, I'm now the girl considering which mortgage is best for that house.
2. Work
I love the people I work with but I don't love my job, this year I want to find a job that I love. I want to work somewhere that I'm learning from and getting something back from. I don't want to be in a boring job for my entire life I want to be in something that makes me grow and develops my skills. I want to work with people, I don't know what capacity but I know that I want to do something rather than just sit there and exsist. I want my job to not only be something I'm proud of but something that I will turn round and tell people all about until they beg me to shut up.
3. Learning
This is a pretty simple one I don't want to stop learning and this is going to be one that's going to continue through my life. From youth work to college courses to simply listening to my friends and boyfriend talk I learn something new every single day and I never ever want that to change. When I have children I will teach them exactly the same I will show them that learning and personal development is the most important thing you can do.
4. Relationships
Quite frankly I want to continue the friendship and relationship I have now and of course welcome new ones into my life. There's not a huge amount more I can add to that. Carry on with the positive friendships I have and make sure that I'm not holding onto others for nostalgia's sakes.
5. Document
I want to document my life whether it be photographs, diaries, blog entries, playlists or scrapbooks any way I can document my life I shall. There are is so much I get from reading back diaries or looking at photographs and I want to carry this one on. I've got so many photographs already a few more can't hurt.
So that's it. I could go on for forever about things I want to do next year but I think they're my main ones. It's time for 2010, I don't even know what they're calling the next decade but I'm hoping it's going to be my most exciting. The next years contain over half of my twenties and the beginning of my thirties so who knows what those years will bring but I am looking forward to them. Two thousand and ten, a new start.
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