I have tried to explain on so many occasions what Harry Potter means to me, why the boy who lived both inspires and moves me to tears. I don't think I'll ever be able to truly convey to him how much Harry Potter has gotten me through some of the hard times, allowed me to escape into a different world where magic is real and Hogwarts welcomes people with open arms ready to show them everything they are able to achieve.
From Hermiones intelligence to Nevilles bravery (proving that the sorting hat really does know its stuff) it was not just the magic that inspired me, JK Rowlings ability to allow readers to identify with characters really amazed me. Some authors present such one dimensional views of their characters but JK never, she showed us the worst of Harry and the best of Severus Snape. Liam once told me that he didn't like the books because they were so black and white, there was someone good and someone bad, personally I believe this couldn't be further from the truth. No one can say that they didn't feel ever so slightly sorry for Tom Riddle when his mother abandoned him to an orphanage too heart broken to live even for her child or feel shocked and a little disappointed in a young niave Dumbledore, so ambitious and awe struck by Grindlewald that his master plan so similar to Voldemort's seems logical, for the greater good. The characters are complicated, no one is always good and no one always bad (apart from maybe Umbridge, god I hate that woman).
I listen to Harry Potter most nights, I've heard them all a million and two times and I still cry when Fred dies, get annoyed at Ron when he storms out, smile from ear to ear when the Weasley twins say their fairwell to Hogwarts amoungst fireworks and cheers and I still love hearing how Luna Lovegood has painted the faces of Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville and Ginny on her ceiling. The friendships, loyalties and strength that shines through this book makes it special, makes it something to treasure. I have no doubt that in 10 years I will still be listening to Harry and whenever the time comes I will pass those books onto my children, I will hope that they will find the same as I did, a magical world that allows the reader to really feel part of something. The communities that have sprung up from what originally were just childrens books are amazing, there is no other word, for so many people to come together to share a passion, a love, for books through music to video blogs to message boards and meet ups is an incredible testament to what JK Rowling has created.
As for JK Rowling, I don't think I could ever explain how much she has done for me, she has given me something that's going to last a lifetime, something I can share with people, with my future children and something that I love. She has encouraged people to read again, so many young people prefered video games over literature and she single handedly opened up a new world, a new generation of readers excited about books again. She showed us that intelligence is nothing to be ashamed of, being brave isn't about being showy, its about believing in yourself and what you believe is right, that the little guy can be just as strong as any great power (Dobby, I will always always love you) and that love, from our friends, our parents, our other half, love can get you through everything.
I'm getting a lump in my throat so I should probably end this here because I feel silly, no doubt to some people it's a book and that's it, to us and there is an us when it comes to Harry Potter fans, it's another world, a part of us that won't end with the release of the last film, where Hogwarts feels like home.