Sunday, 14 February 2010

What to blog about

It's official I fail at being a blogger. The problem is my blog needs a point, I can't just ramble on about nothing and make it interesting to anyone but myself and close friends who probably don't know this blog exsists anyway.
I've been thinking about what I can write about, something that I know all about and yet need to go on a journey with, my relationship was the first thing that jumped to my attention. Naturally this highly important figure in my life would be an easy case but I don't want our relationship splashed all over the internet, he doesn't even have a facebook and to him people already put far too much of themselves on the internet, I can't imagine him being too thrilled if he becomes the topic for a self indulgent blog just because I'm struggling to make myself interesting. So what else?
I could write about politics but who would read it, when you say politics to our generation they dismiss it quicker than Jordan does husbands. It frustrates me, politics is in everything we do, anyone who has an opinion, anyone who moans about their taxes or even something as simple as how much a bus costs is all down to politics. Our lives are ruled by what political party is in power and who makes the decisions above our heads. How can people not be interested in that? How can they not put two and two together and come up with a particular interest in a political party that is really representing them. Perhaps if people took a proper interest, the whole country politicians would not be able to bullshit, they would actually have to start doing something and that's when we get change. How can there only be interest when their expenses are in question? People are more interested in reading about how bad politicians are in comparison to the rest of us, declarations of "well we wouldn't do that!" get shouted from everywhere, shouted from the middle class, shouting from the benefit thieves who, after all, are only putting into practice a Robin Hood tax.
I apparently have just written about politics. Maybe I should just write about what's going on in the world, the little things that make my blood boil or make me smile or simply just give me cause for hope because after all hope is the one thing in this world that we need to make it better. A little hope, a little belief and a hell of a lot of drive to actually get up and do something. There are no doubt many blogs out there talking about the world and the shit that goes on but luckily I have the opportunity to do something about it and I plan on putting my all in.