I am on a train. Free wifi is an absolute winner. When shooting through Englands rolling hills its easy to forget the hideous riots that swept over the country in the past couple of weeks. It looks too peaceful to ever be a land of discontent but discontent it is.
There is a growing concern amoungst sane, civil people that the country is going to, quite frankly, the shitter and it is the lowest eons of society that are causing all the problems. I agree to a point, these people who apparently feel so angry at our society they have to smash up their own backyard are a disgrace. I will never ever doubt that. The riots brought out my conservative side (I wasn't aware I had one before this, corporal punishment no, gay marriage yes, I am as liberal as they come so I thought) but when I saw the joy that was coming out of the people smashing up my own fair city my temper rose to a volcanic level and I was ashamed. My shame didn't last long though, one of my good friends showed me that the real scouse of the city were not the ones looting and burning cars but those who went out with brushes the next morning and cleaned it all up again. I saw a very funny comment regarding the fact that we may riot but we, in the very British way, clean it all up again the next morning without complaint, with spirit. These riots did not divide our communities but united them through mop, bucket and brushes.
I am getting extremely fed up of the people who are describing these rioters only as 'the youth'. It was not just young people gleefully breaking societies rules but older generations too. It would be wrong surely to let them off the hook and focus just on the 11 year olds who are the media's main focus. Yes it is vile that these children, because at 11 yes you are still a child, are out vandalising and stealing. Yes there needs to be something done about the fact that SOME young people are so carefree in their abandonment of societies norms but to let the adults off who should know a whole lot better is wrong. They should be the ones with their faces splashed across the front of the paper, they should be shamed, humiliated and punished for their lack of respect, lack of morality. There is still a chance with these young people to give them to tools to become responsible members of society and to change what could be a very destructive path in their lives. It would be incredibly easy to give them up as a bad lot without doing anything about it but for once not taking the easy way out would be profitable and beneficial for all in society. It's what needs to be done rather than just what should be done. This government, as much as I dislike it, here has the chance to step up to the mark and make a difference, whether they do remains to be seen.
Sic transit gloria mundi
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Saturday, 9 July 2011
Dear Mr Potter

I have tried to explain on so many occasions what Harry Potter means to me, why the boy who lived both inspires and moves me to tears. I don't think I'll ever be able to truly convey to him how much Harry Potter has gotten me through some of the hard times, allowed me to escape into a different world where magic is real and Hogwarts welcomes people with open arms ready to show them everything they are able to achieve.
From Hermiones intelligence to Nevilles bravery (proving that the sorting hat really does know its stuff) it was not just the magic that inspired me, JK Rowlings ability to allow readers to identify with characters really amazed me. Some authors present such one dimensional views of their characters but JK never, she showed us the worst of Harry and the best of Severus Snape. Liam once told me that he didn't like the books because they were so black and white, there was someone good and someone bad, personally I believe this couldn't be further from the truth. No one can say that they didn't feel ever so slightly sorry for Tom Riddle when his mother abandoned him to an orphanage too heart broken to live even for her child or feel shocked and a little disappointed in a young niave Dumbledore, so ambitious and awe struck by Grindlewald that his master plan so similar to Voldemort's seems logical, for the greater good. The characters are complicated, no one is always good and no one always bad (apart from maybe Umbridge, god I hate that woman).
I listen to Harry Potter most nights, I've heard them all a million and two times and I still cry when Fred dies, get annoyed at Ron when he storms out, smile from ear to ear when the Weasley twins say their fairwell to Hogwarts amoungst fireworks and cheers and I still love hearing how Luna Lovegood has painted the faces of Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville and Ginny on her ceiling. The friendships, loyalties and strength that shines through this book makes it special, makes it something to treasure. I have no doubt that in 10 years I will still be listening to Harry and whenever the time comes I will pass those books onto my children, I will hope that they will find the same as I did, a magical world that allows the reader to really feel part of something. The communities that have sprung up from what originally were just childrens books are amazing, there is no other word, for so many people to come together to share a passion, a love, for books through music to video blogs to message boards and meet ups is an incredible testament to what JK Rowling has created.
As for JK Rowling, I don't think I could ever explain how much she has done for me, she has given me something that's going to last a lifetime, something I can share with people, with my future children and something that I love. She has encouraged people to read again, so many young people prefered video games over literature and she single handedly opened up a new world, a new generation of readers excited about books again. She showed us that intelligence is nothing to be ashamed of, being brave isn't about being showy, its about believing in yourself and what you believe is right, that the little guy can be just as strong as any great power (Dobby, I will always always love you) and that love, from our friends, our parents, our other half, love can get you through everything.
I'm getting a lump in my throat so I should probably end this here because I feel silly, no doubt to some people it's a book and that's it, to us and there is an us when it comes to Harry Potter fans, it's another world, a part of us that won't end with the release of the last film, where Hogwarts feels like home.
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
My name's Stacey and I'm a feminist.
Whilst flipping through grazia I came across an article on whether feminism still exists, I happily read away, this is a topic I have seen discussed numerous times and the content was the usual argument until I came across a comment from someone in the street, after reading it I put the magazine down and felt the need to write. The 23 year old woman said she's not a feminist because she didn't have feminist parents and her mum never spoke about this kind of thing which is fine, that's quite OK not every parent is engaged in the politics of this world, some parents just don't have the time, others simply aren't interested and there's nothing wrong with that but what this women said next both shocked and left me exasperated. This 23 year old woman then went on to say that 'Sexism is part of every day life;we should learn to deal with it'. Let's just wait a second for this to sink in as I'm still trying to get my head around it.
Ok second over. What this woman is saying is that it's really it's a females problem that sexism exists and we really should just shut up about it and let men carry on degrading women and carry on working for free from November 2nd (this is when the pay gap comes into account). This statement is not only ridiculous but it is disrespectful to every women who has fought to bring equality in the work place and in the home. There are still countries who have it much worse than we do in blighty, places were women are second class citizens, that can get raped and beaten with nothing done but it is up to us to set the bar and represent real feminism. Strong, empowered women who have the ability to make their own choices in life. Want to be concentrate on your career? That's fine. Want to stay at home and be a Mum? That's fine too. Don't want kids, do want kids, want to spend your money on a pair of Monolo's or save it for a rainy day? All fine. Feminism isn't about burning your bra or hating men but it is about standing up for yourself and other women. It's about not accepting sexism and holding people accountable for their actions.
I wonder if that woman would be as willing to make the same statement about racism. Negative discrimination is never right and just because it exsists doesn't mean it's right and not something we should just deal with.
Ok second over. What this woman is saying is that it's really it's a females problem that sexism exists and we really should just shut up about it and let men carry on degrading women and carry on working for free from November 2nd (this is when the pay gap comes into account). This statement is not only ridiculous but it is disrespectful to every women who has fought to bring equality in the work place and in the home. There are still countries who have it much worse than we do in blighty, places were women are second class citizens, that can get raped and beaten with nothing done but it is up to us to set the bar and represent real feminism. Strong, empowered women who have the ability to make their own choices in life. Want to be concentrate on your career? That's fine. Want to stay at home and be a Mum? That's fine too. Don't want kids, do want kids, want to spend your money on a pair of Monolo's or save it for a rainy day? All fine. Feminism isn't about burning your bra or hating men but it is about standing up for yourself and other women. It's about not accepting sexism and holding people accountable for their actions.
I wonder if that woman would be as willing to make the same statement about racism. Negative discrimination is never right and just because it exsists doesn't mean it's right and not something we should just deal with.
Sunday, 24 October 2010
But it's not our responsibility?
Reading my facebook at the moment anyone would think that I hated this country. They'd be right. There's been nothing but things to rant about this week from the countries selfish attitue regarding giving aid to poorer countries to once again the racism shining through the newspapers condemning muslim people to be once again become a target. I am truly sick of it.
The main problem that's angered me this week has been the issue around aid. Yes we are having problems in this country, we have got ourself into a financial mess but it's our fault. Our problem has been greed and the media's obsession with the quick buck it has not been a flood, it has not been a natural disaster that our country has had no choice in which to face. So when it was announced in the spending review this week that the budget for aid has been increased I never gave it a second thought, it seem the right thing to do and for once the only tory thing I agree with but then the paper got hold of it. 'WE SHOULD LOOK AFTER OUR OWN'. Do these people not understand what is happening in places like Pakistan? Do they not understand the sheer destruction that has happened to these people's lives? If that was us, if we were unlucky enough to have that happen to us would we turn down help and tell the country to help themselves? The massive difference is we would have the structures and money in place to cope with these issues, those countries do not and mainly because as a country we went in their to develop our 'empire' and took everything from them worth having!
It makes me angry that people can be so very selfish, we live in a world at the moment that is getting smaller and responsibility for others doesn't end at the boarder line. If I had a choice I would pay for aid out of my taxes rather than developing nuclear weapons but I understand that in the situation we're in as a power nuclear weapons are necessary, giving aid is not only necessary but the RIGHT thing to do. If people want to stop all aid lets get rid of the benefits system, lets get rid of anything that gives people unfortuante enough to be in a situation where they need help the benefits and aid they need. Just because it's not in our country doesn't mean they're not people, doesn't mean they're not part of the human race and doesn't mean they don't deserve our help.
Someone asked me if I'd rather lose my job or give aid. That's the easiest question I've ever been asked and anyone who needs to think about it really needs to take a long look at themselves and their priorities.
The main problem that's angered me this week has been the issue around aid. Yes we are having problems in this country, we have got ourself into a financial mess but it's our fault. Our problem has been greed and the media's obsession with the quick buck it has not been a flood, it has not been a natural disaster that our country has had no choice in which to face. So when it was announced in the spending review this week that the budget for aid has been increased I never gave it a second thought, it seem the right thing to do and for once the only tory thing I agree with but then the paper got hold of it. 'WE SHOULD LOOK AFTER OUR OWN'. Do these people not understand what is happening in places like Pakistan? Do they not understand the sheer destruction that has happened to these people's lives? If that was us, if we were unlucky enough to have that happen to us would we turn down help and tell the country to help themselves? The massive difference is we would have the structures and money in place to cope with these issues, those countries do not and mainly because as a country we went in their to develop our 'empire' and took everything from them worth having!
It makes me angry that people can be so very selfish, we live in a world at the moment that is getting smaller and responsibility for others doesn't end at the boarder line. If I had a choice I would pay for aid out of my taxes rather than developing nuclear weapons but I understand that in the situation we're in as a power nuclear weapons are necessary, giving aid is not only necessary but the RIGHT thing to do. If people want to stop all aid lets get rid of the benefits system, lets get rid of anything that gives people unfortuante enough to be in a situation where they need help the benefits and aid they need. Just because it's not in our country doesn't mean they're not people, doesn't mean they're not part of the human race and doesn't mean they don't deserve our help.
Someone asked me if I'd rather lose my job or give aid. That's the easiest question I've ever been asked and anyone who needs to think about it really needs to take a long look at themselves and their priorities.
Saturday, 9 October 2010
The atheist voice

My crime is not believing in God.
I am a atheist. Atheism is simply the absence of belief that any deities exist. I do not hate faith. If people want to believe that there is a big guy up in the sky who passes judgement on everything they do then fine, that is their choice but I don't and I don't see why I should be punished for that. If someone could come up to me and give me indisputable proof that God exists then of course I would believe it, I would have no choice but no one can do that. When a scientist discovers a new treatment for a disease the onus is on him to produce the proof, he cannot simply say 'well I know it's true, you can't prove it's not' but this is what we do with religion. Why are the two so separate?
Faith however is not my main problem with religion, the problem I have is with organised religion it's self. I find it massively hypercritical, negative and in our modern day society I find it out dated and in some respects harmful. Why do we need to go into a building so ornate it rivals a palace? Surely the money spent making this building so beautiful could be spent elsewhere? Could be spent feeding the starving children that are littered around the world? Even Jesus himself would worship on the banks of the river.
The person they've deemed the person most appropriate to channel the word of God has spoken out against the importance of contraception, the need to procreate and the evils of being homosexual. How in a developed society can we possibly ever accept views like this? What is more terrifying is the effect his words are having on the less developed countries, people who are more vulnerable to poverty and virus's, such as AIDS, are putting themselves at more risk because that is what the church is advising! If AIDS is going to be the emdemic that destroys the world it is going to be at the church's hands.
What really prompted me to write this however was the fact that if I express these views in public I am told I am a hater of the church and wouldn't ever give it a chance, this is rubbish. I have given the church chances in the past, I have attempted to believe, I tend to not close my mind over to anything and that includes religion but it's not for me and what is so damn wrong with that? Just because I am an atheist doesn't mean my opinions are any less vaild, my decision to not believe were borne from careful consideration and gut feeling alike. If you believe in God then that's fine with me but do not attempt to shove it down my neck and do not tell me that my words are not valid because they are not confirmed by a book that was written by man.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
So I'm ill. There's a suprise. I can honestly say I have had the worst health year of my life and this is coming from someone who had whooping cough when she was five. This however is your common cold. The kind of illness that just knocks all the energy out of you and leaves you feeling weak, hot and highly unattractive. I knew I must have been really bad when Liam came in last night and told me that I needed to take the day off today, never before have I heard Liam say I need to take a day off, the boy is a poster boy for going in and powering on through it. I had to take a holiday day to cover my sickness because yanno in my work being sick is paramount to murder and you will be tried and convicted for it.
This year has made me realise just how important health is to me, one of the afflictions that have come to light this year is always going to be there and could cause some implications for the rest of my life but at least I know what it is, the whole not knowing was the worst thing about the whole episode (okay I lie the constant pain was top but it was a close second). So just waiting on my severly delayed appointment to find out what the treatments are. It's never going to go away but at least there's ways of managing it.
My energy levels are once again dropping and I haven't done anything all day, the furthest I've moved is down the stairs to open the door for Lauren and that pretty much knocked me out. God knows what I'm going to do tomorrow when I have to go back to work, loads of fun. I'll just have to dose myself up on numerous cold and flu tablets and ignore the aches and pains that walking anywhere brings. Oh to be one of those people with immune systems.
This year has made me realise just how important health is to me, one of the afflictions that have come to light this year is always going to be there and could cause some implications for the rest of my life but at least I know what it is, the whole not knowing was the worst thing about the whole episode (okay I lie the constant pain was top but it was a close second). So just waiting on my severly delayed appointment to find out what the treatments are. It's never going to go away but at least there's ways of managing it.
My energy levels are once again dropping and I haven't done anything all day, the furthest I've moved is down the stairs to open the door for Lauren and that pretty much knocked me out. God knows what I'm going to do tomorrow when I have to go back to work, loads of fun. I'll just have to dose myself up on numerous cold and flu tablets and ignore the aches and pains that walking anywhere brings. Oh to be one of those people with immune systems.
Saturday, 7 August 2010
Well I'm on the train posting this from my iPhone. It's really quite annoying that blogger hasn't come up with an app to blog easier as I'm writing this on the actual site which is a little more difficult than normal. It has got me thinking about the wonders of technology though. I am sitting here typing away to you who could be reading this in china, it seems like such a normal concept to us mow but in reality it's mind blowing. Technology is making the world an infinitely smaller place. A hundred of years ago someone from the other side of the world would be considered alien, cultures we simply can't understand but now because of the Internet people have a real understanding. Understanding leads to acceptance which means less prejudice which is always good. Anyway I'm going to stop rambling now and play with my Harry potter app. Ah the joys of the modern world.
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